
Archive for the ‘Ghostbusters’ Category

TV & Movie Cars at Retro Con!

August 26, 2019 Leave a comment


As always, Retro Con will have replica tv and movie vehicles on the show floor! 

This year we have the DeLorean time machine (brought to the show by Tom & Amy Silknitter), the A-Team van, Jurassic Park JP-18 (brought to you by Frank Bedo & Monica Tulay), and the Ecto-1 (brought to you by the Delaware Ghostbusters, who will also be part of the show)!

Look for all of them in back of the hall!

Trivia Contest hosted by The Breaux Show at Retro Con 2016!

August 8, 2016 Leave a comment


Get ready to test your mental mettle! We’ve once again combed the far reaches of our attic to find prizes for the Retro Con 2016 trivia contest!! We’ve got a huge selection of retro and retro-related items to give away at the show: Star Wars, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Transformers, GI Joe, and a whole lot more!


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Hosted once again by our good friend Mike Breaux of  The Breaux Show, the contest will be held in the panel area at the convention on Saturday!

No sign-up is required and there are no age restrictions- Anyone can watch or play! We will reveal each item one at a time, then ask a trivia question related to it. Directly after we will randomly call on a person in the audience with their hand raised to answer. If they get it right, they win the prize on the spot. If not, we ask a different audience member until the prize is claimed!


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So stop by and win some free stuff!!

Delaware and Philadelphia Ghostbusters are Ready To Believe You!

August 1, 2016 Leave a comment

Confirmed for the show this year are both the Delaware Ghostbusters and Philadelphia Ghostbusters costume groups!

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With a goal of having fun while still giving back to the community, both groups will be on the show floor with the usual tools of the trade: Proton packs, ghost traps, Ecto goggles, PKE meters, etc..

The Philly team is currently collecting for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation!  

And the Delaware team is going all out by bringing their Ectomobile to add to the show floor!

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A big thanks to both groups for joining us, and a special thanks to Jeffe Rodriguez for agreeing to bring his Ecto to the show!

Ecto Cooler at Retro Con!

July 16, 2016 Leave a comment


Thanks to our good friends Nick Govosdian and Adam Marish, we will have a large cache of the recently revived Hi-C Ecto Cooler to give away to attendees at Retro Con!!

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They are 6 ounce juice boxes, just like back in the day! We can’t promise everyone will get one, but we’ll do our best to cover as many as we can!!


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Voice Actor Pat Fraley to Attend Retro Con 2016!


In a rare convention appearance, we are thrilled to announce that Pat Fraley will be coming to Retro Con 2016!

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A voice actor and voice-over teacher for more than 35 years, Pat is best known to retro fans for giving voice and personality to the quirky warlord Krang in the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tv series! Pat played the renegade from Dimension X in more than 125 episodes between 1987 to 1996, and he voiced the character more recently in an episode of Nickelodeon’s modern TMNT cartoon entitled “Trans-Dimensional Turtles” where the current Turtle team gets transported to another dimension and meets the 80’s iterations of themselves!

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Ultimately banished from Dimension X for his treachery, Krang reluctantly teamed up with the Shredder and his foot soldier army to renew his penchant for conquest on planet Earth. Together they would attempt to take over the world, and in the process restore power to Krang’s mobile command base the Technodrome for an eventual return to Dimension X. Unfortunately for them, their plans were foiled time and again by the Turtles and friends. Krang was easily one of the most amusing characters on the show and is a fan-favorite with his warbling voice, bizarre exosuit, and excitable personality.

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Pat also voiced several other prominent characters on TMNT, including mad scientist Baxter Stockman, the Turtles’ vigilante ally Casey Jones, the palm-tree obsessed Slash, and Channel 6’s hard-nosed news editor Burne Thompson!

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Aside from TMNT, Pat also voiced notable characters on Marvel/Sunbow’s popular GI Joe cartoon series: Ace, Wild Weasel, and Airtight!

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And other prominent roles you’ve heard Pat in include BraveStarr, Denver the Last Dinosaur, Max Ray in Centurions, and Jake Kong Jr. on Filmation’s Ghostbusters!

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Pat will be at the show all weekend for autograph and photo ops. Prices will be determined and listed as we get closer to show time. So come out to Retro Con this September to meet the voice of some of the greatest characters from your youth!!

A big thanks to CelebWorx for their immense help in getting Mr. Fraley to the show!